February 10, 2023
2023 member renewals update

ICOM membership for 2023 will be processed between 25 March and 1 September 2023.
- Making payment is easy and your new sticker arrives within three weeks.
- Fees are $162 if you are still working, $75 for retirees/student.
- The quickest and easiest way to pay is via direct bank deposit ICOM Australia BSB 013030 Account number 198 008 971
- For payment, please include your name and ICOM number in the reference, eg SMITH12345.
- If you have changed your address, recently retired, are no longer a student or require an invoice, please email members@icom.org.au
Membership benefits include
- free or heavily discounted entry to museums and galleries around the world
- access to resources and ICOM workshops and talks
- participate in the international museum community as well as participating in the International Committees, and forums and conferences online
- your membership fee may also be tax deductible.
Renew now
2. Pay by direct bank deposit, credit card or Paypal option
3. For help, email us
2024 Memberships
Renewals for 2024 memberships begin from 1 September 2023.