August 28, 2024
Free virtual access for Pacific delegates to the 2024 AMaGA conference
Dear colleagues,
As part of ICOM Australia’s Remote Access Champion sponsorship, free virtual access to the 2024 AMaGA conference will be extended to Pacific Island museums, staff and volunteers. More detail on the conference program is here
Any individuals who would like to take up this offer will need to provide their details to ICOM Australia to pass onto AMaGA. We will need first name, last name, email address (preferably your organisation email to verify eligibility) and the name of your organisation. If there are multiple names from a single organisation please feel free to send a spreadsheet back to us with the detail via email to
Anyone that works/volunteers for a museum or gallery in the Pacific (including Aotearoa) and any individuals with a current ICOM membership that reside in the Pacific are eligible to take up this offer and should provide their details back to us as soon as possible so we can advise AMaGA.
We apologise for the late notice but hope you will be able to encourage as many of our Pacific colleagues as possible to attend.
ICOM Australia Executive Board