ICOM National Committee Australia

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August 30, 2024

ICOM Australia Submission on the update of Significance 2.0

Significance 2.0: a guide to assessing the significance of collections is an important methodology for the museums and galleries sector in particular, and the broader GLAM sector, both in Australia and overseas. First developed over three years from 1998 and published in 2001, a second edition was prepared drawing on consultations and research from 2006 – 2008, and subsequently published in 2009.

Now, over 15 years later, much has changed in the sector and our understanding of the world we inhabit. Significance 2.0 is a vital tool used by countless museums, local governments, keeping places, galleries and libraries as well as large institutions across Australia. There is a huge body of experience that should be consulted and tapped to bring the best outcome for the next iteration of this standard. While we welcome the commitment made in the National Cultural Policy, Revive, to update the methodology, OFTA’s proposal for a “refresh”, drafting a revision that draws mainly on ad hoc submissions received over a 12-week period, will not achieve an outcome that will meet the needs of the sector for the next decade.

ICOM Australia strongly recommends that OFTA funds a systematic process of research and consultation over 12 -18 months. This will enable comparative research, including a literature review and impact studies, user surveys, and a range of consultation processes, including engagement with Indigenous communities and local government, to be carried out, as well as time for feedback on drafts.

Read the full submission via the link below:

ICOM AUST Significance 2.0 Submission 6 August 2024
