Annual General Meeting – reconvened 24 May 2024

Due to a shortfall of quorum, the 2024 ICOM Australia AGM will be reconvened.

Friday 24th of May, 10.30am – 11.30am AEST

Join via Teams

At the AGM, we are seeking endorsement from our membership to make some changes to the ICOM Australia Rules of Procedure that will allow all our members to participate in the Annual General Meeting whether in person or online.  Over the past few years it has been harder and harder for us to get a quorum due to the COVID19 pandemic and the increasing costs associated with travel for many of our members.

In our current post COVID world, the online meeting is now an everyday occurrence, it allows for a greater level of participation and it is also a more sustainable way for us to bring our members together for our AGM and reach a quorum which is 10% of our membership.

ICOM has recently held general and extraordinary assemblies online, so the Australian National Committee can propose, in good faith, the change to accepting online participation as part of the quorum.

Additionally we are also proposing a motion to move our financial reporting to a financial year cycle rather than a calendar year.  This will allow us to meet our obligations under the Associations Act and provide better financial reporting for our members.  Notice of both motions and updated documents in advance of the AGM are at the links below.

If you cannot attend please ensure you nominate a proxy to vote in your stead so that we can reach a quorum at the meeting – the form to nominate a proxy is below.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible to help us to enact these important changes for the future.

ICOM Australia Draft Agenda for 2024 AGM

AGM 2024_ICOM Australia Proxy form

Agenda item 8a) – online attendance

Agenda item 8b – motion to change reporting year

ICOM Australia AGM 18 May 2023_ minutes unconfirmed